About this course
This free course is for dental professionals who wish to enhance their understanding and management of Trigeminal Neuralgia. It looks into the pathophysiology, clinical signs, and various treatment options of this condition, enabling practitioners to offer effective patient care.

Explore the complexities of Trigeminal Neuralgia. Gain insights into differentiating it from similar orofacial conditions and develop appropriate management plans.
This course is beneficial for dentists, nurses, therapists and other dental professionals involved in pain management.
CPD Time: 1 hour (1 CPD Credit)
Customer feedback on this course
Assessment: 12 MCQs. Pass mark 75%. more…
On passing the assessment, you will receive a GDC-recognised Enhanced CPD Certificate.
To enhance understanding and management of Trigeminal Neuralgia, focusing on its diagnosis and treatment.
Course objective:
• Explain the pathophysiology and clinical signs of Trigeminal Neuralgia.
• Evaluate treatment options for Trigeminal Neuralgia, including drugs and surgery.
Anticipated learning outcomes:
The learner will:
• Distinguish Trigeminal Neuralgia from similar orofacial conditions.
• Understand pharmacological treatments and their side effects.
• Understand surgical treatments and their risks.
• Develop appropriate management plans for Trigeminal Neuralgia patients.
GDC Development Outcomes:
Learning content:
Overview of Trigeminal Neuralgia, Signs, Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Medical Management, Surgical Management
You can copy and adapt this example PDP entry for your own needs and circumstances. The format complies with GDC guidance on PDP structure.
PDP Learning or Maintenance need |
Comprehensive understanding and management of Trigeminal Neuralgia |
How does this relate to my field of practice? |
Essential for effective diagnosis and patient-centered treatment in pain management. |
Which development outcome(s) does it link to? |
C |
What benefit will this have to my work? |
Improved diagnostic accuracy, enhanced treatment strategies, and better patient outcomes. |
How will I meet this learning or maintenance need? |
Take the Verified Learning course on Trigeminal Neuralgia. |
When will I complete this by? |
Note: After copying and adapting the suggested PDP entry, remember to reflect, plan, act, and evaluate for every CPD activity you undertake.