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CBCT in Endodontics Part 2


About this course


Building on the course CBCT in endodontics Part 1, this advanced course looks deeper into the diagnostic and treatment advantages of CBCT in managing complex endodontic cases such as secondary endodontics, dental trauma, and pre-surgical assessments.

In this course, you'll learn how CBCT technology can assist in identifying missed canals, managing traumatic dental injuries, assessing root resorption, and diagnosing vertical root fractures. Additionally, CBCT plays a very important role in pre-surgical planning, enhancing precision and treatment outcomes in endodontic surgeries.

The time spent on this course counts toward Level 1 CBCT training (basic understanding and operation of CBCT) and Level 2 CBCT training (interpretation of images), ensuring that participants meet the necessary standards for both prescribing and interpreting CBCT scans.

This course is a GDC Highly Recommended CPD Topic (Radiography and radiation protection).

This course is relevant to dentists and DCPs who assist in endodontics and perform advanced procedures such as root canal retreatments and surgeries.

CPD Time: 2 hours (2 CE Credits)

Customer feedback on this course

  • Incredibly useful for understanding how CBCT helps with diagnosing complex root resorption and traumatic injuries.
  • This course provided essential insights for planning endodontic surgeries using CBCT.
  • Highly recommend for anyone wanting to advance their knowledge of CBCT beyond basic applications.
  • Detailed and informative! The section on vertical root fractures was particularly helpful.
  • A great follow-up to Part 1. The content was thorough, and the practical applications of CBCT were well-explained.

Assessment: 12 MCQs. Pass mark 75%. more…

The aim of the learning and teaching materials in this course is to provide advanced knowledge on the use of CBCT in managing secondary endodontics, dental trauma, root resorption, and pre-surgical planning, enhancing diagnostic accuracy and treatment outcomes.

Course objective
• To equip dental professionals with the skills to use CBCT for diagnosing complex endodontic cases, including secondary endodontics, dental trauma, root resorption, and vertical root fractures, as well as for pre-surgical assessments.

Anticipated learning outcomes:
The learner will:
• Understand the role of CBCT in secondary endodontic treatment, especially for detecting missed canals and persistent pathology.
• Use CBCT for the diagnosis and management of traumatic dental injuries and luxation injuries.
• Assess root resorption cases using CBCT, including internal, external, and cervical resorption.
• Identify vertical root fractures more accurately using CBCT, overcoming limitations of traditional radiography.
• Apply CBCT in pre-surgical endodontic assessments for better planning and execution of endodontic surgeries.

GDC Development Outcomes

Learning content:
CBCT in Endodontics Part 2 | Secondary Endodontics | Dental Trauma | Perio, Luxation, Soft Tissue Injuries | Root Resorption | External Cervical Resorption | Vertical Root Fractures (1) | Vertical Root Fractures (2) | Pre-Surgical Assessment | Assessment & Surgical Guides | Recalls and Reviews | Course Completion
View full course description

CBCT in Endodontics Part 2
Course Description

CBCT in Secondary Endodontics and Histology
This section explores how CBCT improves diagnostic accuracy in secondary endodontic cases, where previous treatments have failed. It demonstrates the technology’s ability to detect periapical lesions not visible on conventional radiographs, along with its correlation to histological studies, offering better outcomes for retreatment strategies.

The Role of CBCT in Dental Trauma
This module covers the use of CBCT in diagnosing traumatic dental injuries, surpassing traditional radiography in visualising hard tissue damage like root fractures. It highlights the technology’s ability to reveal complex trauma involving both hard and soft tissues, improving treatment planning.

Assessment of Periodontal, Luxation, and Soft Tissue Injuries with CBCT
This segment focuses on using CBCT to assess periodontal ligament space widening, luxation injuries, and fractures often missed by periapical radiographs. The ability of CBCT to detect radiodense debris in soft tissues and fractures in the alveolar plates is also discussed.

The Role of CBCT in Root Resorption
CBCT’s effectiveness in diagnosing root resorption, which can be internal or external, is explored. This module covers its superior diagnostic accuracy compared to conventional radiography, especially in identifying lesions that are often missed by other imaging methods.

CBCT for Managing External Cervical Resorption and Treatment Planning
This lesson examines how CBCT aids in detecting and classifying external cervical resorption (ECR). It introduces a new three-dimensional classification system for ECR, which improves diagnosis and treatment planning, allowing for better patient outcomes.

The Role of CBCT in Detecting Vertical Root Fractures
This video showcases the advantages of CBCT in diagnosing vertical root fractures, especially those missed by traditional radiography. The three-dimensional imaging capabilities of CBCT allow for more accurate identification of fractures, particularly in complex cases.

Artefacts, Clinical Research, and Diagnostic Accuracy of CBCT in VRF Detection
This section delves into the limitations of CBCT, particularly in detecting vertical root fractures (VRF) in root-filled teeth due to artefacts from root-filling materials. It discusses the impact of scanner-specific parameters on diagnostic accuracy.

CBCT for Pre-Surgical Endodontic Assessment
This module highlights how CBCT aids in pre-surgical endodontic assessments by providing detailed three-dimensional images of anatomical structures. It emphasises how CBCT improves diagnosis, treatment planning, and surgical execution, leading to better patient outcomes.

Lesion Assessment, Surgical Guides, and Key Anatomical Landmarks
This lesson demonstrates the use of CBCT for accurately assessing lesion sizes and their proximity to vital anatomical structures. It also covers the creation of custom surgical guides from CBCT data, enhancing precision in endodontic surgery.

CBCT in Endodontics: Recalls and Reviews
This video covers the long-term evaluation of root canal treatments using CBCT. It shows how the technology can detect subtle bone changes and emphasises the importance of using CBCT for thorough diagnostics in recall appointments to ensure successful treatment outcomes.

Course Completion
The final module concludes the course, offering an invitation to provide feedback, take a multiple-choice examination, and download a CPD certificate upon passing.

Show suggested PDP entry

You can copy and adapt this example PDP entry for your own needs and circumstances. The format complies with GDC guidance on PDP structure.

PDP Learning or Maintenance need
Advanced CBCT training for diagnosing complex endodontic cases and pre-surgical planning.
How does this relate to my field of practice?
I perform advanced endodontic procedures, and I need to improve my understanding of CBCT in managing complex cases.
Which development outcome(s) does it link to?
What benefit will this have to my work?
It will enhance my ability to diagnose and manage complex endodontic cases, improve pre-surgical planning, and achieve better treatment outcomes using CBCT.
How will I meet this learning or maintenance need?
Complete the "CBCT in Endodontics Part 2" course to gain the advanced knowledge and skills required for CBCT applications in endodontics.
When will I complete the activity?